Tag Archive | "mental health"

The Weight of Being a Caregiver

Caregiver. Even the word carries a lot of weight, doesn’t it? It signifies a responsibility, a change in your role in life, sometimes a change in a relationship in your life… And for most people, there isn’t a “warm-up” or a dress rehearsal, it is a phase that starts on its own terms. Setting a […]

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Senior Back-to-School Backpacks

It’s back-to-school season! If your family is like mine, you are scrambling to prepare your children to head back to the classroom. A lot of these little ones are growing up in a different home environment than the generations older than them grew up in. This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the Senior […]

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Is Dad Depressed or Showing Signs of Dementia? Let this Father’s Day be the last that Dad is Suffering

This Father’s Day, thousands of families will come home to find that Dad has lost his usual “spark.” He’s sad and sluggish. He’s not himself and he’s forgetting things. Is it depression or dementia? These two health issues are often confusing to diagnose and difficult to distinguish. This article was syndicated and originally appeared on […]

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Depression and Grief in Seniors: Part 4 – Types of Depression

Depression strikes in several forms. The term clinical depression just means that the depression is severe enough to require treatment. Thus, when a senior has been badly depressed during a defined period, he or she can be said to have had an episode of clinical depression. This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the […]

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Depression and Grief in Seniors: Part 2 – Is Depression Dangerous?

Clinical depression is common in seniors—about 3% suffer from major depression, but many more suffer from milder forms. Depression can be very dangerous for your aging loved ones because it can lead to disability and increased mortality. Depression breaks down the body’s resistance because those who are depressed are less likely to exercise, eat well, […]

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Depression and Grief in Seniors: Part 3 – What Causes Depression?

Depression is a physical illness—chemicals produced in the brain called neurotransmitters, which work to stabilize mood, are involved in major depression. In a depressed individual the brain cannot adequately regulate its neurotransmitters and the chemicals become unbalanced. However, nobody knows exactly what causes it. This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the Senior Helpers […]

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Brian Sanders is the president and COO of i9 Sports. He talked with us about the great things to come in 2012 for i9 Sports.