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7 Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill

The cost of  electricity is a worry for many people, especially during the winter or summer months when heating and cooling is more frequently used.  If you are looking for ways to reduce your electric bill, a few simple changes around your home could cut your costs. 

 7 ways to reduce your electric bill

1. Use an online comparison site like Choose Energy to check which supplier is the cheapest in your area. The cost of electricity often varies between suppliers, and comparison sites keep a database of suppliers and up-to-date costs for most geographical areas. 

2. Turn off computers, monitors, televisions, DVD players, and entertainment systems when not in use will help you reduce your electric bill. Leaving devices on standby uses electricity, even when they aren’t being used. Unplugging these devices could cut your electricity bills by up to 10%. Plug all your devices into a power strip to make it easier to remember to unplug them or turn the power strip off.

3. Make sure you use full loads in washing machines and dishwashers. Running partial loads is a waste of electricity and water, and full loads typically run more efficiently.

4. Replace old light bulbs with new energy-efficient bulbs. Not only will they save you money on your annual electricity bill, they also last up to ten years which will save you money on the cost of replacement bulbs. They will cost more upfront, but keep in mind that you’ll save in the long run.

5. When buying new appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers, check for the most energy-efficient model. These will save you money on your energy bills, and are much more environmentally friendly. These will cost more than buying second hand appliances, but you’ll see the savings over time, helping to reduce your electric bill.

6. Consider how weather-ready your home is.  Many homes that were built years ago may suffer from poor insulation, or drafty doors and windows.  Insulation is the protection that enables your home to maintain its temperature, both the heat during the cold months and the cool during the summer months. A properly insulated home will save energy and ultimately money.  Check the insulation in your home, from your walls to your pipes. 

7. Consider investing in solar panels to produce your own solar energy. The initial cost of having solar panels fitted can be expensive, but they will save a lot of money in utility costs. Fitting panels that are specifically designed just to heat water (rather than to heat the whole house) are relatively cheap, and can cut water heating costs by around one-third.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty and are looking for a solution, non-profit credit counseling can help you make sense of all your options. ​Contact us today for a free financial assessment with one of our certified credit counselors.


This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the CESI Debt Solutions website.

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