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10 Things To Do During A Boring Meeting

Sometimes we know a prospect is dead in the water within the first 5 minutes of the meeting.  For those of us who maintain some politeness, we endure the meeting, letting our mind wander endlessly and just trying to stay awake.  For those cases, here are a few ways to entertain yourself and make the boredom more bearable. 

  1. When the leader of the meeting is not looking or turned around, do a random dance move.
  2. Write down every few words that are said and try to make sentences. See what you come up with by the end of the meeting.
  3. Try to draw the face of whoever is sitting across from you.
  4. Stare at someone else until they make eye contact with you, then turn away. After the meeting, ask them why they kept looking at you.
  5. Cough once every time the meeting leader says a common word like “you” or “our.”
  6. Spell out the alphabet with your right foot on the floor, then your left foot. Feel free to substitute other words for the alphabet, depending on the nature of the meeting.
  7. Try to take notes with your left hand, or with your eyes closed.
  8. Write a poem or haiku about the meeting.
  9. Pretend you are a robot.
  10. Use the arms of your chair as a keyboard and try to transcribe what you hear.

This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the Broker Blues website.

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