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Boost Your Company Morale By Giving Your Office a Shine

Keeping an office clean is not just a matter of aesthetics but can affect everyone at the workplace.  A cleaner workplace means a happier workplace.  A clean office helps to keep employees healthy, thereby boosting the bottom line of businesses by improving productivity and employee attendance. People are more apt to want to be in an environment that is pleasant, uncluttered and clean.

Employees who work at office spaces which fail to keep minimum housekeeping standards found themselves calling in sick and missing days off work in higher numbers than many of their counterparts working at offices which are kept nice and clean, so said studies completed in Southern California in the United States and also in the United Kingdom.  Some of the most commonly reported sicknesses which resulted in employee absence coming from working in an unclean work environment were from upper respiratory illnesses. By maintaining hygienic facilities by dusting, floor cleaning, vacuuming, and wiping off surfaces, the rate of these reports can be drastically reduced. In addition, restrooms and cafeterias which are unsanitary can house numerous bacterial and fungal infections which can harm your workforce.  This is especially true during cold and flu seasons when employees are already at a higher risk of being sick.

Clean office spaces can lead to other benefits as well which aren’t limited to physical health. Employers who keep sanitary conditions and organized offices often hire better employees and retain them. Employers who neglect to do so often see higher rates of turnover.  A messy or unclean office is a pet peeve of many workers who tender their resignation letters unexpectedly, while a clean and tidy office is a great morale booster that makes employees feel comfortable and appreciated.  Do you like to work in a junked up and dirty environment? Probably not and guess what? Neither do your employees.  You keep them happy and they will keep you happy.

This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the Heits of Central NC website.

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