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Exercise on a Budget: Spend Less and Still Have Fun Working Out!

The prospect of working out when money is tight may be daunting, but it’s possible to exercise on a budget and spend less while still enjoying workouts. Using expensive equipment and buying a gym membership aren’t the only ways to keep fit. You can be trim and healthy without wasting money.

No-cost Excercise Equipment

You don’t need lavish fitness equipment; just carry out full-body exercise using the weight of your body as resistance. Additionally, you can fill plastic bottles with water to use as small weights and even use your stairs as part of your routine. You can find simple household items that make excellent dumbbells, and your neighbors or friends may be willing to share equipment.

Remember how you used to keep fit as a child? You used whatever was available for fun, whether it cost money or not. Simple jump ropes provided entertainment. You leaped over boulders and your friends when they crouched down, and used public railings for exercise. Copying what you did then may not always be appropriate, but you can be imaginative and make use of your environment.

Free Exercise Resources

There’s lots of material available online that will help you learn how to exercise at the right level for you without overspending. There are plenty of workouts in various formats from slideshows to videos available with a quick search.  Whether you’re a fitness beginner or at an advanced level, you’ll find suitable communities and supportive classes to join. At the same time, don’t overlook the video section at your local library.

Run or Walk

Walking and running are free, although you’ll need supportive shoes. If you exercise outdoors, you can connect with nature as an added benefit. You might also practice mindful awareness as you walk or run, focusing on your breath and movements to reduce stress.

Exercise at Home

Your home and garden are ideal private gyms, and you can exercise with a friend to make working out sociable and fun. Your home is free to use, and jumping straight into your shower when you finish may be nicer than using gym facilities.

Cheap Excercise Equipment

Consider buying fitness gear from second-hand outlets. Many people purchase expensive exercise equipment on a whim and then sell it to make space in their homes. Also, you can advertise for unwanted gear cheaply at your local post office. If you offer to pick it up, people may consider getting rid of their equipment this way beneficial.

You don’t need extravagant exercise gear or a gym membership to keep fit. It’s not difficult to exercise on a tight budget when you know how. Work out at home or outside, and choose not to use equipment; if the exercise calls for equipment, borrow what you need. Failing that, buy second-hand paraphernalia or use what’s around you for free.

Consumer Education Services, Inc. (CESI) is a non-profit committed to empowering and inspiring consumers nationwide to make wise financial decisions and live debt free. Speak with a certified counselor for a free debt analysis today


This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the CESI Debt Solutions website.

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