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A Clean Daycare Means Healthy, Happy Kids

Daycares are notorious breeding grounds for germs and diseases.  In fact, children in daycare are 2-3 times more likely to have respiratory infections, ear infections, and diarrhea.  Germs run rampant at daycares for many reasons.  Behavioral habits in children, such as close contact with other children and caregivers, increase the spread of person-to-person germs.  Children also lack basic personal hygiene knowledge such as hand washing, covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough, and keeping their hands and toys out of their mouths.  There are also factors that lead to increase in illnesses at daycares that cannot be controlled, such as immature immune systems and physical development.

Every child is going to catch a “bug” at one time or another while attending daycare, but there are ways to lessen your child’s risk.  Make sure your child knows the proper hand washing technique, as this is likely best way to prevent the spread of germs.  Your daycare facility should maintain clean diapering stations and bathrooms and these areas should be cleaned with a diluted bleach solutions.  Toys at the daycare should also be cleaned with a diluted bleach solution (3/4 cup bleach per gallon of water) weekly.  Proper food storage and preparation is also important for ensuring your child’s health.  Food preparation areas should be clean and nonporous, food should be kept at proper temperatures, and children should never be allowed to share food or utensils.

Your child will be healthier and happier if your daycare is a clean, safe place for them to spend their day.

This article was syndicated and originally appeared on the Heits of Central NC website.

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